Make a donation to a Venezuelan NGO

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Welcome to the website where you can find a variety of NGOs and non-profit organizations in Venezuela. In this space, we want to inspire you to join one of these initiatives and contribute to causes that you are passionate about and that generate significant change in our society.

We know that in Venezuela there are many points of pain and needs that require the help of all of us. That is why on this website you will find different NGOs and organizations that address social issues such as health, education, protection of human rights, the environment, support for vulnerable communities, among others.

If you are concerned about people’s health, you can find organizations that focus on providing medical care to sectors of the population with limited resources, in the fight against diseases such as cancer or HIV, or in the prevention and treatment of addictions.

If education is your passion, you will find NGOs that work to improve the quality of education, adult literacy, education in values, among other projects that seek a fairer future for our children and young people.


Foundations of Venezuela

If you are concerned about the protection of human rights, there are organizations that fight against discrimination, gender-based violence, child abuse, and work for social justice and respect for diversity.

On the other hand, if you are interested in the environment, you can find NGOs that are dedicated to the preservation of natural resources, the conservation of biodiversity, environmental education, and the promotion of sustainable practices.

In addition, there are organizations that are dedicated to supporting vulnerable communities, such as elderly people, children living on the streets, people with disabilities, among other groups that require our solidarity and commitment.

On this website, you can learn more about these organizations, their projects, and how you can collaborate with them. If you join one of these initiatives, you will be contributing to a positive change in our society and making a difference in the lives of many people.

We invite you to explore this space, learn more about these NGOs and organizations, and join the cause that you are most passionate about. Together we can make a better world!

Make a donation to a Venezuelan NGO

Make a donation to a Venezuelan NGO

Make a donation to a Venezuelan Foundation


Fundación Ama Tu Prójimo J-400091276

ABOUT US? The Foundation was born at the initiative of a group of people, volunteers dedicated for more than 50 years to the service of others, together with another non-profit Civil Association, the Jesús de Nazareth Society, with which it maintains close ties, everything which are charitable activities marked by the deepest personal disinterest, since its members carry their own money to carry them out:

Make a donation to a Venezuelan NGO

Virgin of Guadalupe Charitable Foundation RIF: J-501578532

Hola! Somos FUNDAVIRGUA ( FUNDACIÓN CARITATIVA VIRGEN DE GUADALUPE), Somos una organización de caridad que dará comienzo a su labor este 1ro de Noviembre del 2021; brindando asistencia humanitaria a nuestra población larense que sufre escasez de medicamentos, alimentos y productos de primera necesidad

Make a donation to a Venezuelan NGO

Children's DNC Foundation RIF: J-411556343

"Giving Smiles and Hope" We are a non-profit Foundation that blesses the children of different communities in our Peña Municipality, Yaritagua, Yaracuy state.

Make a donation to a Venezuelan NGO

Sovenia-CDTA J-00161663-2

"ABOUT US? We are a diagnostic center for children, adolescents and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders. We offer services for its detection with a biomedical and functional approach, with an emphasis on nutritional aspects, seeking to guarantee a better quality of life.

Make a donation to a Venezuelan NGO

Fundación Luchemos por la Vida RIF: J-

Let's Fight for Life is a civil association whose main objective is to provide benefits, social, cultural, sports and educational assistance, and financing of specific programs to children and adolescents with HIV-AIDS and other diseases that put their lives at risk, with preferential attention to the strata of the most needy sectors. We are promoters of education and awareness, because through it we faithfully believe that we will raise the indicated barrier, to combat the spread of this disease that is so stigmatized by society.

Make a donation to a Venezuelan NGO

Foundation neo smile of an angel RIF:J-411258040

We are a non-profit foundation

Make a donation to a Venezuelan NGO

Apagua Foundation ....... .RIF:J-411700380

We are a non-profit foundation that fights to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of the Parroquia El Guapo (MIR), especially children whose families are of limited economic resources or are permanently or temporarily going through some difficult situation. . Thus, we have designed various programs to meet needs in terms of food, health, care and education. We trust that many hands, professionals and good hearts will join this initiative and that together we can bring our help to those who need it most.

Make a donation to a Venezuelan NGO

Venezuelan Foundation grow and smile RIF: J-412871536

We invite you to be part of this Great Family of Caring Mothers and Children with Disabilities HELP US GROW AND SMILE .We work to help the most vulnerable people in collaboration with social entities to reach the maximum number of people in need: children with disabilities, families and people at risk of social exclusion who need support and resources to overcome the most difficult times.

Make a donation to a Venezuelan NGO

Tricolor Love Foundation . .. RIF: J- 413178109

The Tricolor of Love Foundation is a non-profit organization, social and welfare nature, created in 2018, in order to provide support integral and solidary to people vulnerable in our community. Having as principles the love, the human quality and the spirit of service we generate mechanisms of medical support, care and comprehensive social care contribute to improving the quality of lives of children, adults and the elderly low financial resources. The foundation channels its commitment social, from three activities:

Make a donation to a Venezuelan NGO

Foundation Helping with Armando . .. RIF: J-195328400

Waiting for information from the organization

Make a donation to a Venezuelan NGO

Mamá Chia Foundation . .. RIF: J-502323457

Fundación Mamá Chia is a non-profit organization with a high purpose in social and solidarity work. With principles that promote universal brotherhood and love of brother. We started the activities and social work on April 18, 2019, in honor of Silvia González de González "Mamá Chia" a being of light, spiritual, wonderful, with great human warmth who dedicated her existence to helping many people and impact positively to those of us who had the honor of meeting her.

Make a donation to a Venezuelan NGO

Foundation for Social Welfare.. RIF: J-406701696

About us? It is a non-profit organization with legal personality that was born on the 14th of August 2015 in the city of Valencia, edo. Carabobo, Venezuela; the It was born as an initiative of a group of professional Venezuelans trained to address the problems of women, men, boys, girls and adolescents in a state of ABANDONMENT, ABUSE, ALCOHOLISM AND/OR DRUGS for their rehabilitation and subsequent reintegration into society.

Make a donation to a Venezuelan NGO

AserPaís Foundation.. RIF: J-50049596-0

About us? We are a non-profit organization in charge of carrying out health, education and community integration initiatives. Our mission is focused on contributing to the development of society through access to quality education and health, promoting actions that promote the well-being of each of the people involved.