Grow and Smile Foundation

Become a volunteer and help us to have a greater reach when it comes to working with those most in need

💕 Love. 💕 Faith.  💕 Solidarity.
💕 Compassion. 💕 Integrity.
💕 Justice.

✨ vision ✨

VENEZUELAN FOUNDATION TO GROW AND SMILE, works with a vision of the future that proposes:

  • Design a center structure that is agile and flexible when it comes to provide the support that girls, boys and adolescents with a dis-CAPACITY they need.
  • Fairer and more inclusive Social Protection according to the needs of people with dis-ABILITY to promote a more just and sensitized society where all their rights are respected.
  • Create a NATIONAL MOVEMENT for Disabled Children made up of mothers, fathers and dependent families.
  • Create a comprehensive development center is made up of a team multidisciplinary that receives our children at the end of our lives.


Our mission is to improve the quality of life of children and adolescents with a dis-ABILITY, offering quality support programs that start from their needs and those of their families, and that favor their inclusion and social participation as full citizens. .



MOTHERS, PARENTS AND FAMILY MEMBERS OF THE VENEZUELAN FOUNDATION CRECER Y SONREIR, we support, challenge and guide each other in order to provide a better quality of life for our children.



Nos sentimos muy afortunadas como organización porque son muchas las MADRES que han hecho una diferencia en nuestro camino y nos ayudan a acercarnos mucho más a esas madres dignas de admirar en las que nos reconocemos.


We want to honor very especially all the MOTHERS, PARENTS AND FAMILY MEMBERS OF CHILDREN WITH A DISABILITY and provide all the necessary support when weakness appears, energy for our daily struggle, celebration for each and every one of the moments of joy with OUR LITTLE GREAT BRAVE ones and for all our successes…


Better than anyone we know what it means to fight for integration, what it means to go out to a park with your little ones and have a bad time, to be looked at strangely, to move away, what it means to fight every day because schools have the resources that their children need, because they improve, because they learn, to be 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, attentive to their needs, rehabilitation classes, physiotherapy, etc. etc... Everything to achieve what all parents want... every day, that our children be happy, that they improve themselves and that their lives turn out a little better every day, that they have the same rights and that they look after them and treat them naturally.


Among several mothers we organized ourselves and decided to take a definitive step and on this path, THE VENEZUELAN FOUNDATION TO GROW AND SMILE was born; One of our goals is to get help to meet many needs that are not covered by the state. All these children need continuous attention and we parents have to stop working to care for them, because they are children who have to be with their families, they need our love like any other. What we constantly fight for is integration, defense of the dignity of children and adolescents with disabilities and support for individuals and families to improve the quality of life of these children. Your needs: Aid for a physiotherapist, occupational therapy, psychologist and possibilities of a family respite program, among others. That is why we have created with great spirit to unite families and friends of children with special needs and fight for our rights.... Make our problems visible, obtain help and carry out activities that improve our quality of life by promoting integration...
click here to donate


Know expectations, beliefs, knowledge and needs of mothers, fathers and relatives in charge of children with disabilities.

Sensitize mothers, fathers and relatives in charge of the importance of knowing the process of a person with disabilities as a fundamental strategy for promoting good treatment that allows the development of the potential of the individual in their situation.

Establish meeting spaces between mothers, fathers and relatives in charge where experience and knowledge about care, communication and learning strategies with children are exchanged.

Promote the participation of parents and caregivers of children with disabilities as a tool for education and support for the community.

Empower parents and caregivers for new initiatives

Activities proposed by mothers, fathers and relatives in charge where exchanges are generated for the benefit of their children and positive aspects are reinforced.

How do we work in pandemic? ​

It has not been easy at all, but with all the mothers, fathers, and dependent relatives that make up our foundation, we have managed to unite efforts to help and collaborate with each other, making donations and exchanging medicines, food, technical aids, among others. In addition, we have managed to make donations in alliances with other foundations at the national level that have allowed us to advance in our needs. It has not been enough, but we know that we will achieve it as more people join our great work of helping children in vulnerable situations.


  • Strengthening our team of mothers, fathers and relatives in charge.
  • Development of health days, medical care, nutrition and activities recreational.
  • Psychosocial support.
  • Training and personal growth workshops.
  • Greater dissemination of interest in our WhatsApp group and social networks on topics of general interest, sensitivity and inclusion.

How can you help us? ​

In many ways.

  • You can join as a volunteer
  • You can donate food, medicines, medical supplies, diapers, personal hygiene, clothes and shoes in good condition
  • You can help us spread the word on social media
  • You can sponsor a child
  • You can help us unite families and friends of children in need and fight for our rights
  • Above all, you can give us ideas to continue improving

Personal satisfaction:

If you feel the need to help and you don’t have time to collaborate personally, this is a good alternative to do your bit. Or it can also be one of the first steps you take and lead towards your own project. The important thing is to be aware and consistent: help as much as you can and where it costs you.

We support children, youth and seniors to reach their full potential

For Donations *

Account number


Grow and Smile Foundation​

We invite you to be part of this Great Family of ​mothers, fathers and relatives in charge of children and adolescents with a dis-ABILITY

Phones: ​(0424) 4004754 (0424) 2213717​
(0424) 1497780 (0426) 3109845

Caracas Venezuela

Website built and provided free of charge by the ama tuprójimo foundation Esta información es proporcionada por la Organización Registrada