✨ vision ✨
Being a benchmark in the field health and comprehensive care low-income people economic in the territory national, especially in the treatment of hydrocephalus.

Become a volunteer and help us to have a greater reach when it comes to working with those most in need
💕 Love. 💕 Faith. 💕 Solidarity.
💕 Compassion. 💕 Integrity.
💕 Justice.
The Tricolor de Amor Foundation is a non-profit organization of a social and assistance nature, created in 2018, with the aim of providing comprehensive support and solidarity to vulnerable people in our community.
Being a benchmark in the field health and comprehensive care low-income people economic in the territory national, especially in the treatment of hydrocephalus.
Provide support in terms of comprehensive health and care low-income people financial, contributing with your physical well-being and your quality of life.
It provides financial resources, supplies, guidance and personalized attention to children diagnosed with hydrocephalus.
Design and carry out direct intervention actions in vulnerable populations, stories such as: social work visits in shelters and the elderly; care for older adults in a situation of abandonment and feeding days in the street.
It mobilizes voluntary human resources to carry out each and every one of the activities that we organize.
Para hacer esto posible, generamos conexiones con organizaciones públicas y privadas que, al conocer los casos y las situaciones a las que nos enfrentamos –solidariamente– aportan su granito de arena, brindando recursos económicos y humanos que favorecen la materialización de nuestros objetivos y resultados.
Caracas Venezuela
FOUNDATION Rif. J – 413178109 Current account number 01160438280032117973 Banco Occidental de descuento
Zelle; nebraskarodriguez@hotmail.coBuy valve directly….160$ liliana.luces@gmail.com
Website built and provided free of charge by the ama tuprójimo foundation